looking for wonder

Everyday we have the choice. To choose joy or to choose something else. I know it's not always so easy.

Recently I ran across these words from E.B. White:

quotes, wonder, joy, E.B. White, Anne Butera, My Giant Strawberry

Yes. Yes. Yes.

Be on the lookout for wonder. Be open to beauty, to joy.

Joy might be spotting heart shapes in the melting snow.

hearts in nature, joy, Anne Butera, My Giant Strawberry

It might be delighting in discovering carrots embracing in the fridge when you go to make soup.

wonder, joy, carrots, nature, beauty, Anne Butera, My Giant Strawberry

Waking up to the song of a cardinal out the window.

Savoring a mug of hot tea.

Jasmine blooming in my studio.

A compliment from a stranger.

Look for wonder.

Search for joy.

And if you're having trouble finding it. Make your own.

watercolor, painting, paint palette, watercolor palette, blue and brown, Anne Butera, My Giant Strawberry

I spent some time in my studio this past weekend and it was such a joy to play. Let go of expectations. Let go of outcomes and just enjoy color and paint.

watercolor, painting, blue, brown, landscapes, abstract landscapes, Anne Butera, My Giant Strawberry

Blues and browns have been calling me lately and ever since I painted the landscape in the 2x2 Sketchbook last week I've been fascinated by painting skies and simple, abstract landscapes. For no other reason than they bring we joy.

It's play. It's experimentation. And it feels good.

It's discovering wonder, again, in paper and paint.

What about you? Are you on the lookout for the presence of wonder?


  1. You are so right, Anne - there is so much wonder about us, we have only to look for it. I love your examples and, especially, your loose, happy watercolor sketches. You are such an inspiration! xo

    1. Thank you, Judy! I hope you're discovering many wonders each day.


  2. And, may I add, Happy Birthday, dear friend! xo

    1. Hard to believe it's already March! Have a few more weeks till my birthday and I haven't really thought about celebrating (it's a big one, btw). :)

  3. Oh it has been so long since I've blog-hopped and today I've been catching up with yours a little. It's been so refreshing and beautiful as always! And this post is so inline with a book I finished reading just yesterday: Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert. If you haven't read it already, I think you'd like it. :)

    1. Hi, Ishrat! Thanks for stopping by. I was thinking about you just the other day. I read an article in National Geographic about women in Saudi Arabia and was wondering how your experience compared to theirs.

      I have read Big Magic... what an inspiring book.

      Hope you've been well!

  4. Yes Anne! I am on the lookout for the presence of wonder! I love your water colour experimentation. You photos are a joyous wonder too! :-)

    1. So glad to know you're looking out for wonder, too, Simone!


      Thanks for coming with me on my journey!

  5. Anne, I love your little landscapes. They are beautiful! Big hugs to you!


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