30 days, day 4

It may not look like much...

but to me these garlic shoots are pretty exciting. I actually managed to get them in the ground last fall. And they've made it through the winter and are growing just fine. For as much garlic as I eat, the three rows I planted probably won't be enough, but I'm just happy that I'll have some.

Today, for the first time this year I worked in the garden. There's a tremendous amount of cleanup because our wet fall kept me from doing all the work I wanted to do then. Plus, the state of our paths and our grass... not pretty (thank you mud and racedogs), but what I've learned is that a garden will grow. There will be flowers. There will be fruit. And I planted lettuce, arugula, peas and onions today. Spring is here and I am glad.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend.


  1. Can't wait for you to make me a tasty salad with all those fixings. Yummy.

  2. I've been in the garden today and managed to get some work done! Roll on Spring - this has been the longest winter I have ever known!

  3. I've never grown garlic. I'll be interested to see yours and the yummies you come up with to eat it :)

  4. For real excitement grow some leeks - mine came in a small 2 inch square seedling pot which contained in excess of 75 seedlings. Home grown leeks are a thing of beauty and a joy for as long as they last.


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