
It's that time again. When the whirly birds fall.

On walks I spend a lot of time looking down. And collecting the seeds to bring home and paint.

Not that I've been doing much painting. I've been spending most free hours in the garden. It's really coming along and it's really beginning to be beautiful. Each day I find more roses in bloom. Oh, that smell... I've been waiting so long for it to return.

What glimmer of beauty are you enjoying today?


  1. I never thought to paint these . . . looks like a great exercise AND with great results! Is that a notecard? Charming and delightful!

  2. I love that you can do a quick sketch of something from nature the use watercolor...something I've been trying to learn. Your work is lovely!

  3. Glad to see you painting again Anne. :)

  4. Lovely attention to detail in your paintings Anne. We call sycamore seeds (if that is what they are!) helicopters. I just love to throw them up in the air and watch them twirl as they fall to ground.

  5. Hey beautiful Anne, I am just catching up with your blog and see so much beauty already. Lovely and so beautifully precise watercolors. Gorgeous.Magical photographs as well. Keep painting Anne and lots of love to you


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