announcing joy in june -- a month of gratitude, beauty and a focus on joy

Ah, June. I love June. It's such a beautiful month. A gardening month. A flower month. An outside-as-much-as-possible month. Maybe it's because I love June so much or maybe it's because I want to spend less time on the computer or maybe it's because I want to cultivate joy, focus on it, be grateful for it, celebrate it or maybe it's a combination of all of those things that's making me want June to be a month of simple, joyful posts. Two years ago I focused on joy during the month of June and so maybe that was still in the back of my head. I do still try to keep daily Joy Lists, but in truth, I've been a bit lax about it lately. In April I only wrote 9 Joy Lists in my Joy Journal an in May only 5. Um, I think I need to rectify that.

Why? If I focus on beautiful things and the gratitude I feel for the joy they bring me, I feel more joy each day. It also helps me to slow down and be aware of what is going on around me and inside me, my thoughts, my feelings. Slowing down is something I desperately need. Time seems to be rocketing past and I constantly feel like I'm being left behind.

So... hello, Joy and hello, June.

Do you want to join me? I'm leaving it pretty loose and fluid. At first I was going to give myself all sorts of rules, but then I decided that simpler is better. So, the focus is on joy. My posts will be short, mostly just one photo and a few words. If you want to join me and you have a blog, post about what's bringing you joy sometime this month. Or share it on Facebook or Instagram or maybe just keep a list in your own handwritten Joy Journal. The way in which you choose to celebrate joy this month isn't as important as the celebration itself.

Wishing you a beautiful, joy-filled month.


  1. This comes at the perfect time for me, Anne! I would love to join you in your "Joy in June" celebration! If you don't mind, I will link to this post on my blog.
    For one thing, I'm grateful for you and your joyful spirit!

  2. I need to be more joyful. And there are many things to bring me joy this month.

  3. I would love to join in your Joyful June celebrations too Anne! I really do need to focus on what is good in my life. The photo above is bringing me joy right now!

  4. 'Joy in June' a beautiful celebration!

  5. June is my favorite month! Hope it brings you lots of sunshine, happiness...and flowers! <3

  6. I love this idea Anne. I am going to join and post on your Facebook page. I will be traveling the end of the month but will make an effort to share as we see new things. Great idea. I need to focus on the positive more.

  7. Glad to have all of you playing along. The more joy the merrier!

  8. I have so many reasons for joy...thanks for giving me the idea for a joy journal...I WILL start one today...and joy to you...I love the photo!


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