feeling it

I've been back in Cleveland for four full days now.  It's very strange.  I've realized, clearly this time, how much I don't like the Cleveland area.  Going for walks doesn't fill me with inspiration like it does out in the country.  Feelings of claustrophobia and panic have been surfacing.  But being back with Matthias has been wonderful.

Another thing adding to the upheaval of feelings is the death of a best friend's father.  My thoughts are with her and I wish I could be with her, too.  I wasn't close to her father, but I can imagine how hard this must be for her, how much she must be hurting.  She is the first of my close friends to lose a parent, and it makes it hard not to think about the fact that she will not be the last.


  1. Beautiful blooms.

    Sorry about your friend's father.

  2. Thank you.

    And I love that plant. An Aeschynanthus of some sort. Those are cuttings rooted in water that I really need to put into some soil.


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