surprising myself

Did I feel like doing anything creative this morning?  Did I feel like getting out of bed?  Did I feel like getting bundled up to go outside (in the snow) for a walk with Holden?  Nope.  Nope.  Nope.

But I did.  Get up.  Go for a walk.  Do creative things.

I brought my camera with me on the walk.  Mostly just to capture the crappiness of snow and ice.  I did not expect to enjoy the walk.  But I did.

That gives you an idea of what the snow was like.  It really is crappy.  I wasn't just overreacting.  There are still leaves on the trees.  Green leaves on the trees.  Like this:

Craziness.  The funny thing is that I LIKE snow.  I'm just not ready for it.  Later this week it's supposed to be in the 60s, so I'm not too worried about being thrown into the middle of winter.  But the rosebuds I was waiting for?  Going to miss being able to see them open up.

Oh well.

Enough complaining.

I worked on my painting when I got back from my walk.  I have to admit that it scared me.  I really do not know what I am doing and I was afraid of messing it up, but instead of giving myself a chance to think, I sat down and started painting.  The joy came from watching the paint do its thing.  There were a few times when I thought, "Oh no!  I've ruined it!" (ok, more strongly worded than that), but I just kept going.  I added the ground and then I decided to make the sky grayer.  I was surprised by what a dark painting this is becoming.  Generally, I'm not much of a dark art person.  I'm flowers and bright colors.  But I like how its turning out.  It still needs some work.  I haven't done any of the Queen Anne's Lace yet and the ground needs more texture, but I'm enjoying the process.  The slowness of it.  I'm usually always in such a rush, so being able to take my time with this painting has been a surprising delight.

I also finished the bracelet I'd been working on.  I had to start over, actually.  I kept missing stitches and then the unraveling frayed the yarn.  (Perhaps yet another reminder to take things slowly?).

The bobbles on this one remind me of melon balls.  Cantaloupe for a fruit salad.  (I shouldn't be allowed to name things).

I'm really enjoying Art Every Day Month so far.  Seeing what everyone's been up to is so inspiring, and all of the encouragement has been great.  I'm so glad I decided to go for it.


  1. I have to admit that snow is no fun if you have roses blooming! Where are you? I still have my tropicals on my back deck. I always bring them in by mid october. But it's been so warm I haven't worried a bit about them. Very cool bracelet cuff!!!

  2. Yes, Roses and snow should not mix, but they do make for beautifully melancholy pictures. We usually get weeks of frost before snow so all my flowering plants are in their boring winter state.
    Thank you for your comment on the backgrounds.
    I may have to write the story just to see which one I choose.

  3. Hi Anne,
    First - snow? I agree - too early and poor roses!!
    But oh, I do love the slow process of your painting. So nice to see it develop. And that cuff - really nice looking!! Very chunky and fashionable!
    BTW, I checked out your mom's blog and found it very thoughtful and lovely.
    I'll have to go back and leave a comment.
    Oh, and thank you for your comment on my blog!

  4. Oof, I'm not ready for snow either! But it made for some pretty pictures.

    Lovely work, Anne. I really like that painting you're working on. And the bracelet is adorable!

  5. Oh my gosh snow! Haven't had to deal with that yet. I so, so love that bracelet, very awesome!

  6. It's sad that you will not get to see your roses bloom, but the ice on the buds looks so pretty. I really like the painting you are creating.

  7. I have to say I absolutely love your bracelet..the picture is great with the tea cup.

  8. I love pictures of snow but I have to admit I'm glad I don't have to live with it!
    That cuff is awesome, girl!

  9. Thank you, everyone! Your encouragement means a lot to me!

  10. Anne, thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment yesterday at my blog. Snow is such a shocker when there are still leaves on the trees and nearly blooming roses.
    I'm a big fan of going slow sometimes and I enjoyed reading about your process with your painting. I look forward to see what comes next. Your bracelet is fabulous!

  11. I have not been around snow in 22 years ... I love looking at it but that is it...and snow should never be around when there are still green leave around and flowers swaying...Love your painting in progress and the very cool cantaloupe thanks so much for stopping by my blog - I truly appreciate the visit...hope to hear from you some more!!!

  12. That bracelet is awesome! My favorite color is orange so I am loving your creation.


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