around here

Is that a foolish declaration in the wake of the storm, or is it a good reminder that each day has its beauties?

We did not fare badly in the storm. Our power came back on right away. The wind did not damage any of our trees and the only water we had seeped in our sunporch roof. There are trees down in our neighborhood and neighbors without power and flooded basements. I can only imagine how bad it is elsewhere where the storm was stronger. My thoughts and heart go out to you, whether near or far and hope you and yours are safe and warm and dry.


  1. Hi Anne!!
    I was thinking to you yesterday evening, when I was watching the news. It's good to hear that you are ok, and the storm wasn't so bad where you are.

    I really love your pictures of California!!

  2. I'm glad you fared well and that you can enjoy Halloween with your doggies. Love that heart-shaped tree scar - that sums it up nicely. My mother-in-law is in NJ, safe and sound but without power for the next few days. She recently adopted a rescue cat and says that Felix is keeping her entertained with his antics and cuddling. She and my SIL are playing board games, making do with sandwiches and generally feeling gratitude that it wasn't worse.

  3. That painting is beAuTiFuL !! I didn't realise you lived on the East coast? Hope your ok.

  4. So glad you survived the storm without much damage, as I did. Your painting is delicate and lovely and I'm so happy to come back to your blog after being away for a while.
    Glad you are well.


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