loveliness of late summer

My studio is in chaos. The house needs to be cleaned. I'm feeling the pressing deadline of my art fair. But it's still summertime. The tomatoes are ripening.

And everything is beautiful.

I hope you are taking some time to just be. To let go of all those obligations and forget about the to-do lists even for just a few moments. Listen to the cicadas and the crickets and the katydids. Watch a butterfly enjoying the flowers. Close your eyes and really smell all the scents around you. Cut grass. Oriental lilies. Roses. Jasmine. Someone's barbecue. Notice. Savor.


  1. Something tells me we'll be seeing your painting of that butterfly soon . . .

  2. Beautiful photos and words, Anne. Thank you! Big hugs!!!!

  3. Gorgeous photos Anne :-) And a timely reminder because despite, & perhaps especially because of, the busy school hols I surely need to take time to just be. Thanks for pointing me in a healthy direction!

    Kat Xx

  4. Beautiful photos Anne. Good luck with the art fair!

  5. You have such a gift for photography, Anne. (Along with painting, drawing, crocheting and writing!) These photos are beautiful. Such good advice to s-a-v-o-r. So many lovely things around us to appreciate!


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