of groundhogs and roses (or something like that)

Happy Groundhog Day! Although, this morning the groundhog predicted that there won't be an early spring. He says 6 more weeks of winter. Hmmm... but wouldn't that be an early spring?

I guess Groundhog Day is pretty silly, but I like it anyway. Give me anything to celebrate, especially in the depths of winter. It doesn't matter what the groundhog's prediction ends up being. I'll watch the movie (which I have to admit is one of my favorites). Snuggle with my birthday kitty. He's 17 today.

black and white portrait with kitten

siamese kitten black and white

(He was tiny back then).

And be glad of all the little things that are bringing me joy. Like today's sunshine. And my studio. And dreams of roses.

watercolor roses in a heart

What little things are you celebrating today?


  1. Beautiful watercolor, Anne! You are so gifted. I'm celebrating my mom who's in heaven now. She was born on groundhog's day. :)

    1. Thank you, Nancy. And thank you for sharing your celebration. It's good to celebrate our loved ones who are no longer with us. Remember the love, the beauty, the fun.

  2. Beautiful! I am celebrating the love of my boys. They are growing so fast. Time just keeps going. Celebrating each day with them.


    1. That's a perfect thing to celebrate, Carla! Enjoy every moment!

  3. kitty is 17, wow! does he have special diet? Our cat is 6 and we keep hearing about cats which are even 21. I love cats! much love to you and Kitty.
    p.s. wonderful painting!

    1. My family's cats (one that my mom had before my parents got married and the other brought into our family when I was in 8th grade) each lived to be 19. The first cat I got in college lived to be 14 and we were so sad to lose her. Jerome is deaf and has arthritis and chronic respiratory problems, but other than that he's doing great. No special diet, though we have tried a variety of foods, right now he's on one for senior cats specifically formulated to prevent hairballs.

      Cats are wonderful companions (and I love dogs, too... actually, any animal!).

      6 is young! Hope your kitty stays healthy and happy for a long, long time.


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