30 Days 30 Paintings, Day 17 -- Black and Blue Salvia

I've been wanting to paint the black and blue salvia all summer long, but I didn't want to cut any of it and deprive the hummingbirds of one of their favorite flowers.

watercolor, 30 paintings 30 days, black and blue salvia, watercolor flowers, Anne Butera, My Giant Strawberry

The days of being able to cut flowers from the garden to bring into my studio are dwindling. I decided I didn't want to miss my chance. There are still plenty of flowers left for the hummingbirds (who were already buzzing around the garden before it was fully light this morning).


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Simone. I'll probably want to revisit this plant someday. Doing a quick painting wasn't enough. And I have ideas for something really fun. Maybe it will be a good project to cheer me up in the middle of winter!

  2. You've really captured the delicate beauty of this flower. Well done!

    1. Thank you, Laurie! They're such pretty plants, but kind of strange looking when you look closely. :)


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