30 Paintings 30 Days, Day 1: Nasturtiums

For the month of September I'm challenging myself to paint a single painting each day (in addition to my other art and my daily sketchbook). I'm starting small. 4"x4". 

30 paintings in 30 days, watercolor, nasturtiums, Anne Butera, My Giant Strawberry

Today: nasturtiums using up paint from my big summer garden painting.

I'm joining the 30 Paintings in 30 Days challenge put on by Leslie Saeta. If you're an artist feeling like a challenge for the month, why don't you join, too?


  1. You are so organized Anne - I don't know how you fit it all in! I love the idea of painting on 4 x 4 card. The nasturtium study is so vibrant! :-)

    1. Thank you, Simone. I don't always feel so organized. I want to paint some more nasturtiums. I keep cutting them and bringing them in the house and wishing they'd last a little longer. Tomatoes and nasturtiums -- I think I'm obsessed. :)


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