Celebrating Nasturtiums and Announcing My New Skillshare Class

If there is one flower that I've painted more than any other, it's the nasturtium. (You can see my first nasturtium paintings here).

nasturtiums, painting, studio, watercolor, Anne Butera, My Giant Strawberry

I just cannot resist them. Maybe it's that they seem so joyful to me.

nasturtiums, paintings, watercolor, botanical watercolor, nasturtium watercolor, nasturtium painting, Anne Butera, My Giant Strawberry

Bright. Colorful. Simple, yet also interesting in their shape and form. You can't mistake a nasturtium for another flower.

nasturtiums, paintings, watercolor, botanical watercolor, nasturtium watercolor, nasturtium painting, Anne Butera, My Giant Strawberry,

I love them in the garden,

and they just naturally make their way up to my studio.

nasturtiums, paintings, watercolor, botanical watercolor, nasturtium watercolor, nasturtium painting, Anne Butera, My Giant Strawberry


nasturtiums, paintings, watercolor, botanical watercolor, sunflower, black eyed susan, coneflower, fennel, zinnias, summer flowers, Anne Butera, My Giant Strawberry

And again.

nasturtiums, block prints, lino cuts, nasturtium block prints, Anne Butera, My Giant Strawberry

And again.

nasturtiums, paintings, watercolor, botanical watercolor, nasturtium watercolor, nasturtium painting, Anne Butera, My Giant Strawberry

And again.

nasturtiums, paintings, watercolor, botanical watercolor, nasturtium watercolor, nasturtium painting, Anne Butera, My Giant Strawberry

And, well, you get the idea.

fabric design, Summer Bliss, Spoonflower, Nasturtiums, Watercolor fabric designs, Anne Butera, My Giant Strawberry

And so when I was working through ideas for what to teach on Skillshare and decided on teaching a series of simple but detailed botanical watercolor painting classes, nasturtiums were the first subject I wanted to tackle.

That first class of my new series on Skillshare is finally here!

watercolor, painting, skillshare, botanical illustration, botanical watercolor, painting classes, watercolor classes, nasturtium flower, Anne Butera, My Giant Strawberry

It's my third class (you can see the others here and here), and I'm so excited to be sharing what I've learned about watercolors (and painting nasturtiums) with you. You can try Skillshare, take all three of my classes and thousands of others, for an introductory price of only $.99 for three months.

If there's something you'd love me to teach in an upcoming class, please let me know! You can respond in the comments or contact me here with your thoughts, ideas or questions.

Wishing you a joy-filled week. I'll be back on Wednesday with a fun and inspiring Sketchbook Conversations post and on Friday with a gorgeously inspiring Artist Interview. See you then!


  1. They are so beautiful Anne. I don't think I could paint like you do but I'm going to watch your class. Congratulations on creating your third class.

    1. Thanks so much, Dana! I love the nasturtiums that you painted in our 2x2 Sketchbook. That spread was one of my favorites. Thanks so much for watching my class, even if you're not intending to paint like I do. I think we can all learn things from each other, even when our styles are different.

  2. Nasturtiums are also good for eating! :) Good luck with your 3rd class on Skillshare. Your nasturtium paintings are delicately painted with a wonderful vibrancy to them. You can tell that you love them so much!

    1. Yes they are! They're good (and pretty!) in salads, but I didn't put any in my salads this year because I preferred them in arrangements. I didn't have as many flowers as in past years and I wanted to enjoy each of them for as long as possible!

      Thanks for your kind words and encouragement, Simone! It's always lovely to have you cheering me on!

  3. Congratulations on your latest class offering, Anne! Those nasturtiums look like you could pluck them from the page and the colors are just right for painting now.

    1. Thanks so much, Sharon! Your comments always make my day. :)

      Nasturtiums do work so well with all things autumn. I hope mine keep blooming a while longer.

  4. i LOVE all of your nasturtiums, anne. xo
    ours are just fading, and with a hard frost in the forecast, i'm sure their stems will turn to mush soon. more next year!
    soon our internet will be upgraded and i will be able to stream...

    1. Thank you so much, Karen. xo

      Mine are still around. Frosts on the rooftops and in some grass in the neighborhood, but so far the flowers have been spared. I know they won't be lasting much longer. I'll enjoy it while I can.

      That's one of the things about living in rural places... we get so used to easy, fast (cheap) internet when we're in the city, but outside of it... Glad you'll be upgrading!!


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